These Five Morning Rituals Start My Day Off Right

I used to roll out of bed and just let the day come at me; sometimes things went smoothly but most of the time I was scrambling and stressing about the day ahead. I realized after some trial and error and just life experience in general that waking up a little earlier than needed allowed me time to do things that set me up for a harmonious and successful day ahead. Even just having some time to myself before everyone else wakes up helps me feel better prepared for the day. This does not mean that things never go wrong but starting my day off right helps me deal with daily ups and downs with much more ease.

These Five Morning Rituals Start My Day Off Right

Meditation - I try to start every day with meditation. Sometimes it’s 20 minutes and sometimes it’s 5 but it does help me start my day with some calmness and clarity. Meditation does not have to be long or complicated to have benefits and there are many resources to help make it more accessible. The apps Calm, Insight Timer and Headspace are just a few that come to mind. They can all be downloaded onto your phone so that your meditation source can go where you go.

Set Intentions/Express Gratitude - I take a couple minutes before I get out of bed to jot down a few intentions or goals for the day as well as a few things I’m grateful for. I have a journal on my bedside table ready to go when I wake up. I like to buy a three-pack of notebooks with simple lined paper like these from Rifle Paper Co.. They are slim, lightweight and easy to pack in my purse or backpack when I travel. It also very easy to rip out the paper and recycle it once I am done using it (no, I do not save them!).

Early Morning Sun Exposure - I take my breakfast or my tea and sit outside on my patio or front steps for a few minutes before getting going in the morning. Catching that morning sun has some health benefits including regulating hormones, boosting mood and improving sleep.

Exercise - It’s very simple for me, if I don’t exercise in the morning, it doesn’t get done and if I don’t exercise, my entire day feels “off.” It doesn’t always have to be an intense workout but I have to do something. A walk, yoga or even a quick strength training session will do the trick.

Breakfast - I eat breakfast every morning and I make sure that it is low in added sugars and high in protein and fat. This helps regulate my blood sugar so that hunger, moodiness and brain fog don’t disrupt the first part of my day.

My Simple Self Care Ideas For Summer

I love summer. Summer is awesome for so many reasons. Just the other day I was tinkering outside with my flowers, doing some grilling and hanging out on my patio at dusk thinking that this is such a wonderful time of year. However, with all of the wonderfulness of the summer season, it can be challenging when it comes to setting boundaries and finding “me time,” especially if you have kids. There can also be a lot of pressure to fit all of the warm weather activities into a relatively short season. I think that’s especially the case for those of us in the Northeast and other areas where we have a longer fall and winter. That’s why there are self care practices that I think are important for this time of year and it goes beyond spa days and pedicures. These are things I do to make sure I am not completely frazzled by the time school starts and a whole other type of busyness begins.

My Simple Self Care Ideas For Summer

Pick and Choose Activities Wisely - Summers are short and that time is precious. So much of my time is given away to other things and other people and I want to spend my free time doing what I want, with the people I want to be with. Sometimes I just want to do nothing at all. So, I am careful with how I plan my time and make sure that I am doing things that make me happy and fill my cup.

Off-Hours Beach Trip - The beach can be incredibly restorative but I find it much more enjoyable when I don’t have to bother with sun protection and crowds. The beach is also so beautiful at dawn or dusk. I love taking walks, looking for sea glass, sitting and reading a book or magazine and just dipping my toes in the water and letting those negative ions work their magic.

Grow Something - My husband does most of the gardening but I do love planting and growing flowers. So, I’m in charge of the potted flowers around our house and I’m also planning out a small medicinal garden. I’ve been interested in growing a medicinal garden for a while and I’ve been using Juliet Blankespoor’s book, The Healing Garden as my guide for getting started. There is something incredibly satisfying and fulfilling about planting something and watching it grow and thrive. It also gives me another reason to get outside. When I had an apartment many years ago, I started very small, with just one pot of flowers. As my living space and experience grew, so did the amount and types of flowers.

“Me” Time and Setting Boundaries - This has shifted a bit now that my kids are older, but I find no matter how old your kids are, they still demand a certain amount of your attention. I also find that since they are out of the house so much, I want to be around them as much as possible when they are home or not busy with their friends and activities. However, I am still careful about making sure I am setting boundaries and finding ways to create space for myself and fill my tank. This approach does not just apply to my kids but also friends, extended family and any corresponding events and activities. I do not feel the need to go to every dinner, BBQ, pool party and celebration. However, I do try and make sure that all the special people in my life do get some of my time, appreciation and recognition. It’s really all about balance.

Delegate Responsibilities - I’m so used to doing everything myself that I often forget I have three sets of very capable hands in my household. The key for me is remembering to actually ask for help. I need to let go of controlling how it gets done and just focus on the fact that it’s getting done. There are also more people around the house during the summer so that means more dishes, laundry, food prep and messes. It’s important for me to make sure everyone is doing their part, so I don’t get overwhelmed.

Lean On My Village - No one should feel like they have to carry the whole weight of their responsibilities all of the time. I have a wonderful group of friends who are more than willing to help me out when I need it and the same goes for when they’re in need. I know we can all relate to that relief we feel when someone comes to the rescue even in the smallest way. Summers can be hectic with working, managing schedules, and traveling so it’s good to have some back-up when you’re really in a pinch!

The 5-Minute Meditation - While I do like to try and meditate for at least 20 minutes each day, it’s not always possible. A 5-minute meditation is really easy to fit in when time is the issue and it’s also a great way to de-stress in the middle of the day. Meditation does not have to be anything complicated, just sitting and taking some deep belly breaths does the trick.

Make Something - My absolute favorite form of self care is to make something with my hands. It can be anything from a baking project to painting with my watercolors. Just being creative and making something from scratch feeds my soul.