What I Do To Ease My Anxiety

Let’s talk about anxiety. It seems that almost everyone I talk to lately has either struggled with anxiety themselves or knows someone who has. Unfortunately, I am no stranger to anxiety, I’ve dealt with it for as long as I can remember. It’s only been in the last 8-10 years that I have learned the proper way to care for myself as well as understanding the root cause of anxiety so that I can manage it successfully. I prefer a more alternative or holistic approach that works in harmony with my body, but I do think there is a time and place for medication especially if the symptoms are overwhelming.


Meditation - I meditate every single day even if it’s just for a few minutes. Meditation helps me tremendously. It’s completely free and I can easily do it on my own time. Meditation helps me relax because it requires me to focus on the present moment rather than fixating on the past or future. It also helps me become more aware of my thoughts and that awareness allows me to replace destructive and negative thoughts with ones that better serve me and my mental well-being.


Supplements - I take a few supplements to help with my anxiety. There are many but ashwagandha, kava, Saint John’s Wort and 5HTP have been particularly helpful depending on the situation. I prefer supplements over medication for each individual.

Tapping - Tapping


Diet - Watching what I eat and drink has been key for managing my anxiety. I’ve learned a lot about blood sugar stability and how important it is in keeping anxiety under control. Sugary foods, simple carbs, alcohol and even caffeine can cause blood sugar instability and either trigger or exacerbate anxiety. Caffeine is also a known stimulant and can be tricky for people with anxiety since it literally stimulates the nervous system. I stick to tea and make sure I’ve had something to eat before I pour myself a cup. Alcohol can have an initial relaxing effect but once it wears off it can cause changes blood sugar as well as brain chemistry. It also increases heart rate and is dehydrating all of which can make anxiety worse. The last bit about diet is that I also make sure that I never get too hungry which causes the blood sugar to drop and makes me feel crappy and jittery.

Therapy - Therapy has been an essential part of managing my anxiety. Working with a therapist helps me re-frame my worries and fears and put them in perspective. I believe very strongly that every person can benefit from therapy because we all carry limiting beliefs that hold us back from our goals and becoming the best version of ourselves.

Breathing Techniques - I’ve used breathing techniques for years to help ease anxiety. There are so many different ways to use the breath to relax but I use the 5-breath technique. I breathe in for 5 counts, hold for 5 counts, breathe out for 5 and then hold for 5. I repeat this 10 times and it puts me in a completely different state of mind.


Essential Oils - I use essentials oils on a very limited basis but when I do turn to oils, I use bergamot and clary sage to help calm my nervous system. There are several others that have shown to help ease anxiety including lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense, chamomile and rose. It’s important to use essential oil with caution and follow usage instructions as there are some that can irritate skin and cannot be taken internally.