Hygge Ideas for Spring and Summer

Hygge gets a lot fo attention in fall in winter because that’s typically the time of year we think about getting cozy and comfy, but the Danish practice Hygge all year, even in the warmer months. It is so much more than putting on your cozy clothes and sitting in front of a fire with a cup of tea. Hygge is doing things that make you feel good; things that bring comfort and contentment and that can be done all year. Of course what you do in the spring and summer is going to be different than what you do in the fall and winter. Here are some ideas for some warm weather Hygge!

Hygge Ideas for Spring and Summer

Create and Outdoor Space for Relaxing: One of my favorite things to do when the weather gets warmer is to relax on my back patio. I especially love it in the late afternoon or early evening when it’s a little cooler. We also do a lot of entertaining on our patio. I’ve always tried to have an outdoor space to relax and socialize no matter where I lived, even in some of my apartments. Sometimes it was just a couple chairs and potted plant, but it worked. If you have the opportunity to take advantage of an outdoor space, do it and do it right! To make the space more inviting, try an outdoor rug, lighting, a patio pit, cushioned chairs, a hammock and potted flowers; make it your outdoor sanctuary! Need inspiration? Check out these 58 patio ideas from House Beautiful.

Photo by Arcwind on Unsplash

Photo by Arcwind on Unsplash


A Good Spring Cleaning: It’s such a great feeling when your home is neat, clean and organized. Whatever it is that you need to get your house in order so you can go out and fully enjoy the warm weather, just get it done! Getting rid of excess crap is always a good place to start. Clean out your drawers, closets and other storage areas. Open up your windows and get some fresh air in the house. Launder your throw blankets, comforters and throw pillows. Get your rugs, sofas and chairs professionally cleaned. You don’t have to do this all at once; I do all of this over the course of a few weeks. For other ideas and tips on spring cleaning, check out this guide from The Spruce.


Make Some Sun Tea: I loved doing this last summer. I took our largest pitcher (FYI, this pitcher with a twist and lock lid is awesome), filled it with water and a handful of tea bags and let it sit in the sun for a few hours. Sometimes I would throw some lemon and mint in there and sometimes I left it plain. Put it in your fridge for a refreshing afternoon pick-me-up. It’s also really good mixed with lemonade. Yes, you can go out and buy iced tea but this is much more fun and it tastes much better than what you can buy in the store.

Go for an Evening Walk or Beach Trip: Dusk in the summertime is my favorite time of the day. It is a great time for a walk or a beach trip. We like to order pizzas and then bring them to the beach for a little picnic and then do some beach combing. I also just like to go out and walk my neighborhood with a friend or my husband for a casual evening walk. No sunscreen needed. However, you might want to use a little bug spray!


Fill Your House with Fresh Flowers: Okay maybe not FILL your house, but a bouquet of fresh flowers has a way of instantly brightening up a space. You don’t have to spend $50 a week on a fancy bouquet; you can buy inexpensive ones from your grocery store and rearrange them to look like they came from a more high end florist. Check out this 5 minute tutorial on how to make inexpensive grocery store flowers look amazing!

Plan a Small Outdoor Gathering: Use that gorgeous outdoor space you’re creating and host a gathering! Yes, you can do this safely. I like the idea of individually packaged snacks like S’mores kits. You can also order individuals meals from a restaurant that does take out. Beverages, even wine now, comes in single serving sizes. Hook up a bluetooth speaker, hang some lights, light a fire and just enjoy the company.

Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

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