7 Areas You Might Be Missing When Cleaning Out

So let me start by saying I’m not an organizational or decluttering expert but I have learned a lot over the past few years as I have tried to drastically change my habits around “things,” whether that be buying new things or what I did what the things I already owned. This came from a deep desire to start simplifying my life as much as possible because I realized that it not only created more space in my home but in my head as well. I did not like clutter and I did not like have drawers, closets and my basement filled with things that we weren’t using. The relief I felt when letting things go was indescribable and I wanted to keep that momentum going and hit every square inch of my home. The realization hit me that there were A LOT of places that were easy to disregard or miss altogether. Here are the six that were the easiest for me to miss.

6 Areas You Might Be Missing When Cleaning Out

The Underwear/Sock/Bra Drawer - I have always been really good about cleaning out my regular clothing but not so good with cleaning out my drawers that contain my bras, underwear and socks. So it wasn’t shocking that, when I finally tackled that project, I found things that I had been holding onto since before I was married. Anything in bad condition or that hadn’t been worn in a long time needed to go. I had also accumulated quite a few sentimental and personal items in these drawers and those things needed to find a more appropriate home.

Bedside Table - If your bedside table has a drawer, there’s a good chance there are things in there that can be cleaned out. I know this from personal experience and was kind of shocked by what I found. Pens, old notes and lists for Santa from the kids, jewelry, notebooks, old lip balms, coins and a few other random items. Some things needed tossing and other things just needed to go back where they belong.

End/Coffee Tables and Entertainment Centers - Yes, I’m grouping these together. If any of these items have drawers or shelves in your home, they may also have items that may have accumulated crap and need to be cleaned up. Take a peek and see what you find, you’ll probably be surprised.

Makeup Bag or Drawer - Easily forgotten is the makeup bag or drawer. I’ve found eyeliners and other items that should have been thrown out years before. Do yourself a favor and go through your makeup, clean out and then maybe treat yourself to a new eyeshadow palette or lip gloss!

Toiletries/Travel Bags - I do like to keep my toiletries bags ready to go for traveling so I don’t have to pack them every time I go somewhere. However, that also has led to an accumulation of items that needed to be cleaned out. Check out those travel bags and see if you need to do the same.

The Wallet - If your wallet weighs 10 lbs. and is overflowing with receipts, it may be time to clean it out. A wallet is any easy one to forget especially since it hides away in my purse most of the time but it does need to be cleaned out occasionally. Receipts, loose change, old cards and gift cards can quickly accumulate and make it hard to find what you really need in your wallet so add that to your list when cleaning out!

The Jewelry Box/Storage - Once my jewelry was at the point where I didn’t know what I had anymore and my drawers and boxes were overflowing, I knew I had to do a clean out. It never occurred to me that jewelry was something that should be evaluated and purged on a regular basis as well. While there was a lot of inexpensive jewelry that needed to go, there were also some more expensive jewelry items that I no longer wore. I just donated less expensive jewelry but finer pieces were sold through Poshmark and I continue to use this method to help keep my jewelry collection to only the things I love and wear on a regular basis. Obviously, sentimental and keepsake type items stay in my collection.

My Favorite And Most Effective Tips For A Clutter Free Home

I don’t remember exactly when it was that I realized that my excess “stuff” was dragging me down but I do know that I was absolutely clueless about how to get it out and keep it out for good. I would donate, sell or throw things out but the clutter just kept coming back. I did refer to a couple of simplicity and decluttering experts and their advice helped get me started and reframed how I thought about my things and how I wanted to live my life. I realized I wanted an unfussy and uncomplicated life and I didn’t want the distraction of excess things. I also realized it was okay to let go of things that I may have holding onto for for reasons that didn’t really serve me. It was a good start and certainly better than where I was before but not where I really wanted to be. What I was lacking were strategies that actually worked for me, personally. So, through some trial and error, I learned to develop and tailor techniques for myself that actually stuck. I no longer feel overwhelmed and I finally feel like I am on the other side of what felt like an incredibly insurmountable task. Here’s what I’m doing to live a more simplified and clutter-free life.

My Favorite And Most Effective Tips For A Clutter Free Home

Store It At The Store - This is a concept I heard about somewhere in my decluttering journey and it really resonated with me. At some point in my life, I had fallen into the trap of buying things “just in case.” This included gifts, household supplies, gadgets, food and even clothing. What resulted was the accumulation of a lot things that went forgotten and unused. Then came the burden of storing and eventually having to get rid of those things. Waiting to buy something until I actually needed it made so much more sense. Avoiding the urge to stockpile items freed up space in my home and also lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders. So, now whatever it may be hangs out at the store until I actually need it.

Deal With Items In The Moment - The old me would have put things in a “holding pattern” until I decided what to do with them. Now, I put things where they belong as soon as I possibly can even if it’s being thrown out, donated or sold. This is an easy way to avoid build up of clutter and unwanted items and the frustration of having to take the time to deal with it.

Avoid Buying Items On Final Sale - Final sale is final sale and once it’s in your home, it’s your responsibility even if it ends up being a complete dud. I make exceptions if it’s an item I have purchased before and I know I like it and it’s going to work out. Otherwise, I avoid taking that gamble and also avoid ending up with stuff in my home that I don’t want or need.

A Buying Freeze - Other than certain food items and essentials, it’s likely that I already have everything I need. I find this especially helpful after the holidays when we’ve received gifts and when our pantry and fridge are still full of food. A buying freeze pushes me to use things up and go through what we already have. It also eliminates any new items coming into my home that need managing. A temporary buying freeze is also a nice way to learn to appreciate what you already have.

If It Doesn’t Get Me Excited, I Don’t Buy It And If It Doesn’t Get Me Excited, I Get Rid Of It - This is another great tactic for avoiding unwanted items from even making it into my home in the first place. It’s also a good strategy for getting rid of items I already own. Obviously there are things that aren’t exciting and never will be but we need to have them in our home. My washing machine does not excite me but I’m not going to get rid of it. Clothing is typically the first thing that comes to mind but home decor, accessories and other household items certainly qualify. If it doesn’t excite me, it either doesn't come home with me or it doesn’t stay.

I Evaluate Every New Item That Comes Into My Home - While I have become more conscious of my own purchases, it’s almost impossible to avoid random items making their way into my home. I notice this especially during the holidays when gifting is at its peak. Freebies, hostess gifts, and unsolicited hand-me-downs are other ways things make their way into my home. It probably happens to all of us and the old me would have taken these items and stashed them away without any thought at all. Now, I take every item as it comes in and decide if it stays or goes. The key is to have a system in place for things that you decide to keep, donate and throw away and deal with it as soon as possible.

I Have a System for Cleaning Out - Every item I touch when cleaning out has a place to go. A bin for things that I am going to keep, donate/sell and throw out. Then I deal with the stuff in those bins as soon as possible.