Uses for Charcoal Soap and My Charcoal Bar Shopping Guide

I love my charcoal soap bar. I’ve been using one for several years now and it’s really helped clean up my oily, congested skin. I also appreciate that it has multiple uses and there are so many options for any need and budget. The charcoal bar is definitely having its moment! Activated charcoal is the key ingredient because it bind to and cleanse unwanted substances or “impurities” from the skin’s surface and washes them away. It also has exfoliating properties so it will also exfoliate along with cleansing. Many soap companies are also adding other helpful skin-friendly ingredients like witch hazel and oils to help clarify and soften the skin.

When shopping for a charcoal soap, be sure to read the ingredients to make sure that there aren’t any added fragrances or other ingredients that may irritate skin. Simple ingredients are probably best. So many soap companies are making their version of a charcoal soap so there is definitely one out there for you.

Check out how versatile this trendy soap can be!


Uses for Charcoal Soap and My Charcoal Bar Shopping Guide

Help Clarify Oily and Acne Prone Skin - Activated charcoal skin products, including a charcoal soap, are a great addition to a regime for oily and acne prone skin because it can help exfoliate and pull impurities and excess oil from the skin.

May Help Soothe Psoriasis and Eczema Prone Skin and Flare-Ups - The right charcoal soap may gently cleanse and help soothe any psoriasis and eczema flare-ups due to its antibacterial and purifying properties.

Makeup Brush Cleanser - Lather a bar and use it to do your weekly wash of your makeup brushes.

Use as a Deodorant Soap - Take advantage of the purifying and antibacterial properties to help deodorize in the shower.

May Help with Dandruff - Charcoal may also help clarify and gentle cleanse dandruff-prone scalps to help ease the flakes. Some companies have even come out with activated charcoal shampoo bars.

Find the Right Charcoal Soap for You:

Beautycounter Charcoal Bar - This is my favorite by a landslide because it’s gentle and versatile. It contains skin soothing oils along with some witch hazel. It also lasts a long time. With a ton of 5-star reviews, you won’t be disappointed. Available on the Beautycounter website for $26.


Megababe Space Bar - A great detox soap for your underarms but can used for other body parts as well. The perfect prep for your deodorant and may help keep you smelling fresh longer. Available on the Megababe website for $8.


Soapbox Detoxifying Shampoo Bar - Great reviews online and just the scalp clarifying properties you’re looking for. Available on The Grove website for $15.

Beekman’s Lump of Kohl Detox Purifying Bar - Contains goat milk, olive oil and coconut oil for super moisturizing experience. Beekman has more of a masculine feel if that’s what you prefer. Available on the Beekman website for $15.

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How To Make Your Deodorant Work Better and Last Longer

Whether you’re using conventional deodorant or deodorants of the “clean” variety, there are some things you can do to help them work a little better for you. These are super simple tricks that do not require expensive and hard-to-find additional products or have you jumping through hoops just to keep your pits smelling fresh. I should also note that these aren’t foolproof; there are many variables that come in to play when it comes to deodorant efficacy. So there’s a chance you may still have to apply a mid to late day layer to keep you smelling fresh or even possibly consider switching formulas or brands if you’re not getting the results you want. This does not just apply (ha!) to “clean” deodorants either. Unless you’re using some sort of industrial strength deodorant/anti-perspirant, you probably have to reapply to maintain that all-day freshness.


How To Make Your Deodorant Work Better and Last Longer

  1. Make sure your underarms are completely dry before applying deodorant. Wait until the end of your morning bathroom routine, rather than right after your shower when your skin is still damp and warm (I know, your armpit is always warm, the point is damp and warm).

  2. Lather and gently exfoliate in a circular motion your underarms to remove dead skin cells which prepares skin for application and by unblocking pores that may be harboring stink causing bacteria. This step has been key for me. It really does help maximize and extend the efficacy of my deodorant. I’ve also noticed that just washing with soap does not always leave me smelling fresh (yes, I have smelled my pits after my shower) so this extra step of exfoliating has really helped.

  3. If you have just shaved, wait a few minutes after your shower (you know like I said above) to apply to avoid stinging and irritation.

  4. Less is more. You only need a light, thin layer to do the trick. Too much can stain your clothing and feel uncomfortable on your skin.

  5. This is not spackle people, you may need a touch up. It doesn’t mean that natural deodorants don’t work. There are several factors that may interfere with the its efficacy (activity, overheating, hormones) or that particular deodorant may not be for you. I know people who need a touch up even when using conventional deodorants. This is not uncommon. Keep one at work or some deodorant wipes in your car or purse.

  6. If you have never used a natural, non-toxic deodorant before, your armpits may go through a "detox" stage. Learn more from Schmidt's blog "The Natural" about Underarm Detox. I, personally, have never done an armpit detox but some people sweat, I mean swear by it.

  7. Try using a charcoal bar to cleans your armpits. Cleansing with a charcoal bar may help absorb impurities and detoxify the armpit area (can also be used on other body parts too) to help reduce stink-causing bacteria. Try Beautcounter’s Charcoal Bar or Megababe’s Space Bar Underarm Soap.

Low and/or Non Toxic Deodorant Brands You May Want to Try



Schmidt’s has a variety of scents and a sensitive skin formula in a variety of scents as well. It goes on smoothly and does not feel sticky or goopy. Odor control is all natural and non-toxic and Schmidt's also has some wetness absorbing properties via it's "award winning" mineral formulation. It’s available at Target and their own website. The regular formula is $9-$10 and the sensitive skin formula is $11 and Schmidt's also offers a "bundle and save" option via their website.


I’ve used Native for a few years and it has worked really well for me. They offer a wide variety of scents including unscented. Check out their website for testimonials and more information. Native is available at Target and Walmart. It’s $12 a stick. You can also buy through their website.




Lavanila was very similar to Schmidt's in consistency and I did find that it kept me fresh all day. However, I only have the travel size and I used it once when I recently had an overnight. Lavanila also has a few lovely scents, including a "sport" formula for more intense odor control. Lavanila is $14-$16 for a 2oz. stick depending on the formulation. Check out their website for more information.

Megababe - A “new to me” deodorant. I just started using and it’s been really good at keeping me fresh and comfortably dry. I typically reapply about three quarters through the day to maintain that freshness through the evening. It’s $14 full price on the Megababe website.


Beautycounter - As a lover of many Beautycounter products I was excited to try their deodorant. It’s comfortable going on and not heavily fragranced. At first, I wasn’t sure if this one was going to work for me but it ended up being really good. Also, I love the sustainable refill packaging. The initial purchase is $28 and then $18 for the refill so if it really works for you, it might be worth the investment. Check it out on Beautycounter’s website.

Deodorant Wipes

I have never used wipes for all day protection, but they are great for a refresh in the middle of the day or after a trip to the gym. I keep one in my purse and my daughter keeps one in her backpack for gym and after school sports. They come in several scents and I have been finding them at Target for $9 a pack but you can also purchase from Pacifica's website or try Megababe’s Deodorant Wipes.



Lume is a new natural deodorant developed by OB/GYN, Dr. Shannon Klingman. It is made from naturally-derived ingredients that are suitable for even sensitive skin-types. It’s clinically proven to control odor anywhere on the body for 72-hours and has been getting rave reviews from users. I have yet to try so I can’t personally comment but let’s just say I have one on order as I write this. Learn more about Lume and purchase through their website.


*Updated from a previous post on June 2019.

*This post may contain affiliate links.

A Guide to Beauty Product Buzzwords and Labeling and What They Really Mean

You’re a conscious consumer or at least trying to be one and that means reading labels and only buying products that align with your desires, beliefs and philosophies. Unfortunately, labeling and buzzwords in the beauty and personal care industry can be tricky and what you see on the label of your favorite deodorant, face cream or eye shadow may not mean what you think. The reality is that for these terms, there is no governing body regulating or defining them. Which means when a company labels a product, “hypoallergenic,” for example, they are doing so by their own standards and there is no objective organization or governing body testing the product before it goes on the market. And there’s a lot of gray area; meaning companies can use a buzzword but it may it only be partially accurate. These are simply labels and terms used for marketing purposes so it’s really in the hands of the producer or manufacturer to be transparent with the consumer and for the consumer, themselves, to decide if the claims align with their needs and desires. It should be noted that while companies are not required to get FDA approval for their labeling and claims, by law, they must be truthful and not misleading. For more detailed information you can visit the FDA website.

For me, my concerns always circle back to product safety. There are so many buzzwords and labeling jargon that imply that the product is safe, clean or nontoxic, when it could be far from it. I’m going to run through a handful of the most popular beauty and personal care buzzwords and explain what they really mean regarding the products you put on your body everyday.

A Guide to Beauty Product Buzzwords and Labeling and

What They Really Mean

Organic - There is no governing body regulating or defining the term organic as it applies to cosmetics and personal care products, not the FDA nor the USDA. However, cosmetics and personal care products can be certified organic via the USDA if they contain or are made up of agricultural ingredients and be eligible for one of the four USDA organic labeling categories. Ultimately, this means that companies can put the term “organic” on their label by their own definition and standards but they would not be able to carry the USDA organic label unless they went through their certification process. Read more about the USDA organic regulations and certification requirements here.

Vegan - The term “vegan” is also not regulated. Yes, companies are required by the FDA to be honest about their labeling but it is not regulated. Vegan just means that the ingredients do not come from any animal source or contain any animal by-products, including marine life or insects.

Natural - The FDA has never defined nor do they regulate the use of the use of the term “natural” on personal care products. It’s also important to remember that natural doesn’t always mean better or safer. Essential oils, for example, are natural but some can cause endocrine disruption, irritation and allergic reactions, especially if not used properly. Remember things like poison ivy and radon are natural and they are definitely not safe! There is also concern about the increased demand for natural products and its impact on our environment, including over-harvesting and deforestation. Lastly, most natural products need to be used within a certain number of months (anywhere from 6 to 18 months) because efficacy diminishes over time. However, it’s entirely possible that the natural ingredients used to make these products have been sitting around for many months, even years, essentially rendering them ineffective before the product even makes it into the consumer’s hands. So, there are instances where clean synthetic ingredients are better than natural.

Cruelty Free - There are no regulations in the U.S. for the term “cruelty free.” According to The Leaping Bunny Program, when you see “cruelty free”, “not tested on animals” or the simple image of a bunny on the packaging, it may only refer to the finished product and that the testing on animals occurs at the ingredient level. It may also mean that the company can claim they do not perform the testing but contract other companies to do so. The only way to be sure that the product is not tested on animals anywhere in the development and manufacturing process is to buy products with The Leaping Bunny seal and it definitely does not mean that the product is clean or nontoxic.


Dermatologist Test/Approved - This is yet another label used primarily for marketing purposes. Unfortunately, it doesn’t hold as much weight as many consumers may think. It really just means that a dermatologist reviewed the clinical data and the ingredients before the product became available to consumers. It also doesn’t mean that the product falls into the clean or nontoxic category.

Hypoallergenic - This is another term generally used for marketing purposes. It typically means that the company making the product uses ingredients that they claim cause fewer allergic reactions. It’s a claim that is not tested or regulated by any governing body including the FDA or dermatologists and both agree it does not mean much. So, if you’re concerned about how your skin will react to a product, it’s up to you do to a patch test to know for sure. There is an online resource called Skin Safe that provides product details and guidance for individuals with sensitive skin.

Clean - When you see clean, it is implied that the product and/or company takes into consideration ingredients that are healthy or not harmful for both humans and the environment. However, again, it is just a label and not regulated so companies can use the word “clean” by their own standards. So it is up to you, as the consumer, to determine if the product claims align with what you’re looking for.

Green - This is yet another term that doesn’t really have a set definition or firm standards when it comes to personal and beauty product labeling. Yes, it should mean that the product was made considering the well-being of our environment but that may not necessarily be the case. So, as the consumer, it’s really up to you to trust the labeling or to dig a little deeper and do your own investigating.

Chemical Free - Let’s be clear, chemical free does not mean that the product is safer and the inclusion of chemicals do not mean the product is harmful. There are instances where using clean or nontoxic chemicals is the better and safer option. Even the most ingredient conscious companies use clean chemicals in the their formulations.

Nontoxic - Even what we consider the most harmless substances can be considered toxic at the wrong dose. For the clean beauty industry, nontoxic means that the product should not contain ingredients considered toxic at any dose. In the traditional or conventional beauty industry, nontoxic refers to amount actually found in the product or formulation and applied or used according to the given instructions and use restrictions indicated on the packaging. As you may have guessed, the label or term “nontoxic” is not regulated by any U.S. governing body or organization.

So What Can You Do?

Unfortunately, as the consumer, a lot of the investigative work is in your hands. However, there are resources to help guide you and beauty and personal care brands that have stepped up and made a commitment to stringent safety screening, ethical practices and ingredient transparency. When you buy from these brands, you can buy with a certain degree of confidence (although, finicky consumers will still do their homework). I’m going to leave a list of brands and guides for your reference. It’s important to note that the guides should still be used with a certain amount of discernment. Many products get rated lower because they contain known irritants and allergens, which may not be an issue for many people and EWG’s Skin Deep Database tagged aloe vera as a potential carcinogen in a lotion I use because there was a study one time where ingestion of part of the aloe leaf caused cancer in lab rats. Aloe vera has been used safely for centuries in personal care and beauty products. So it’s important to learn how to use them and how to interpret their ratings.


The Good Face Project

I Read Labels for You

EWG Skin Deep Database

Skin Safe (Sensitive Skin Consumer Guide)

Smart Label



Ursa Major


Pure Haven


Juice Beauty



Tata Harper


Clean Beauty Retailers


Credo Beauty


My Clean Beauty Product Guide

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If you’ve been hesitant to make the switch from your conventional personal care and beauty products, there’s never been a better time. The clean beauty industry has exploded in the last few years and there are so many options. The good news is that everything from your hair care to your nail products are going clean. Although maybe you’re left wondering: Do they really work? The short answer is yes, BUT like any product some may work for you and some may not. So it’s important to be patient and not give up. Your products are out there, it just may take a little trial and error.

Some quick tips for making the switch easier:

  1. Read the Product Reviews: There’s no better way to learn about customer satisfaction than through customer product review. It’s also important to remember that what may not work for someone else may work great for you.

  2. Try Free Samples First: Many brands and retailers like Beautycounter, Sephora and Ursa Major offer free samples. Ask a consultant or sales associate for some samples so you can try before you buy.

  3. Talk to an Expert: Many of these companies have consultants and/or customer service representatives to help out. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask questions.

  4. Buy from Companies with Good Return Policies: Most of the major brands and retailers have good, reliable return policies so you can buy and try risk free. Just make sure you read before you buy so you know what to expect if something doesn’t work out. Have a Whole Foods nearby? They carry a wide variety of clean, non-toxic beauty and personal care brands and have a good return policy.

  5. Join a Clean Beauty/Living Facebook Group: Joining a group is a great way to ask questions and get feedback from individuals knee deep in the clean living world and those just getting their feet wet. Join my women’s only Facebook Group here.

  6. Switch Out One Product At a Time: Do not. I repeat, do not throw out all of your old products and start fresh. It’s too expensive and overwhelming. Replace slowly as you tun out of individual items so you can take your time to research the right products for you.

My Clean Beauty Product Guide


Beautycounter - I’ve been a customer of Beautycounter for 6 years and they are the gold standard when it comes to clean beauty, IMO. I use quite a few of their products in my regime because of the consistency of quality and efficacy. This especially true with their targeted skincare for issues like acne, anti-aging, brightening, etc. They also have really nice make-up, a sheer mineral sunscreen and a new deodorant that I’m excited to try. Browse their products and read about their mission and standards on their website.

My Top 3 Favorite Beautycounter Products:

  1. Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer - My first and favorite Beautycounter product. Contains sunscreen and it light and sheer.

  2. Counter + No. 1 Brightening Facial Oil - Facial oil is must for me and this has added brightening benefits. Sinks right into my skin and keeps it balanced.

  3. Counter + Overnight Resurfacing Peel - This did wonders for smoothing my skin and eliminating minor acne.

Ursa Major - Ursa Major is a small skin care company our of Vermont. What I like about them is that they only release a product when their team is 100% in love with it. They’re less concerned about marketing deadlines and more concerned with quality and it definitely shows. All of their products are also gender neutral. Check out their website to learn more about this great, little company!

My Top 3 Favorite Ursa Major Products:

  1. Golden Hour Recovery Cream - I love everything about this cream. It smells good and is moisturizing without being too heavy or greasy. There’s a reason it’s one of their top rated, best selling products!

  2. Morning Mojo Bar Soap - Deodorizing, exfoliant and long-lasting, this is hands down my favorite bar soap.

  3. Essential Face Wipes - I love these for both face and body. They are perfect for washing your face on-the-go but also for refreshing the bod mid-day.


OSea - OSea is a skin care company out of Malibu, California. They source their ingredients from a botanicals, but especially three different types of seaweed with healing properties. They are vegan, cruelty free and gluten free. OSea’s products are beautifully crafted and feel very luxurious and pampering. Check out their products and their story here.

My Top 3 Favorite OSea Products:

  1. Vitamin C Probiotic Polish - My absolute favorite exfoliator of all time. It’s a little on the pricey side but lasts forever and I love that I can mix it with my own cleanser. Fades darks spots and hyperpigmentation and smooths skin for even make-up application.

  2. Anti-Aging Body Balm - This is an incredibly luxurious moisturizer. It smells amazing and feel so good on your skin. If you are looking to treat yourself or someone special, this body balm is the way to go.

  3. Sea Vitamin Boost Facial Mist - I love having this facial mist on hand to refresh my make-up or for a mid-day moisture boost.

Clean Hair Products Available on

Clean Hair Products Available on

Follain - Follain originally started out as a clean beauty and skin care retailer and now they have their own line of products. I enjoy shopping their website, learning about new brands and reading reviews to decide what I want to try next. Check out Follain’s website here.

My Top 3 Favorite Follain Products:

  1. RAKE Styling Balm by Reverie - I work just a tiny amount of this styling balm through my clean wet hair and it gives it much needed texture and volume without weighing it down.

  2. Follain Everybody Bar Soap - I love this long-lasting, moisturizing bar soap with a rich, creamy lather.

  3. Hurraw Moon Balm - I like keeping this lip balm in my bedside table. It contains calming chamomile so it’s the perfect lip moisturizing before bed.

Other Notable Brands I Love:

RMS Beauty - Another great clean beauty brand. I love their Buriti Cream Bronzer and Tinted Daily Lip Balm.

Ilia Beauty - Ilia has some beautiful products and I was so happy to see them being sold at Sephora. I love their Liquid Powder Chromatic Eye Tint and Necessary Eye Shadow Palette in Cool Nude.

Merit - I’m just getting to know this brand. At my last trip to Sephora, I noticed their products were featured on one of the aisle end-caps. I picked up their Shade Slick tinted Lip Oil in Pink Beet and I love it so far.

Juice Beauty - Juice Beauty has been around for a while and has some great products. They have a full skin care line and some make-up. I love their Green Apple Peel and Green Apple Blemish Clearing Serum.

Acure - Acure is another brand dedicated to clean skin care. They have reasonable price points and wide range of effective personal care and skin care products. I really like their Seriously Soothing line of products.

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